What the Fashion Editors have to say about Marie Galvin
"So thank the god of hats and hair for Marie Galvin"
- Daily Candy
"Her Hats are meticulously crafted and highly creative".
- The Boston Globe, Tina Cassidy
"Though her techniques are traditional her designs are decidedly not".
- Kate Bowers, WWD Accessories
"Marie Galvin's designs have a freshness and diversity that can make any woman become a hat lover. Each hat is beautifully sculpted and the collection overall is chic and playful."
- Mary Gehlhar, Gen Art, NYC
"Boston Designer Marie Galvin is making Boston more beautiful with her whimsical couture headpieces".
- Lauren Viera, Lucky magazine
"A GALVIN-ized Hat is my must have item of the season".
- Improper Bostonian